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Hub Culture offers a platform ecosystem with integrated services that allow members to buy and redeem digital assets in the form of Ven digital currency and in the form of other assets on the Ultra digital asset platform. Hub Culture's digital identity system HubID, centralized platform and transaction visibility capability minimize the risk of use of these assets in an illicit matter, such as to finance illegal activities, terrorism, trafficking (drug, human), or fraud. It is Hub Culture's policy to monitor transactions on its systems for evidence of illicit behaviour, and to report any suspicious activity involving digital assets on the Ultra Exchange, Ven transactions or any other Hub Culture managed products and services to the proper authorities.
While Hub Culture is committed to the principles of individual data ownership, including digital assets held on its system, it remains committed to the best interests of the community it serves in preventing illicit activity of any form on its platform. To ensure such commitments are met in practice as well as theory, Hub Culture maintains a Regulatory Audit setting in its system, which can be accessed by legal decree to review suspicious transactions if and when they occur.
Hub Culture deploys best-in-class standards for cyber security and information security in its digital environments. The policy is based around components of the ISO 7799 and ISO 27002 international security standards with a goal of providing reliable and efficient information security in the context of the company's global services. This policy covers information stored in online repositories by Hub Culture, remote back-up hosting, offline data redundancy services, space-based/satellite data storage and secure-environment paper-based backups and archives related to transactions and services connected to the Ven digital currency, Hub Culture account holders, identity and verification data digitally stored by Hub Culture on behalf of members and entities, and resulting identity related profiles and data-strings managed by Hub Culture.
Hub Culture deploys SSH cyrptography and security techniques across its entire data storage platform and works with Amazon Web Services for top tier security maintenance and secure data storage. Hub Culture employs a holonic structure toward data availability, with real-time sectional access available to employees on a case-needed basis, with password and security protected, data monitored access to online storage and profile data.
Training: All Hub Culture staff and contractors who have access to review data for HubID identity verifcation or Ven transactions are trained on Hub Culture data security requirements and explicitly agree to contracts guaranteeing data privacy, security and confidentiality. Oversight of these services and associated verifications fall under the purview of Hub Culture's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Any security incidents, whether arising from internal or external sources, is reported to the CISO and addressed according to legal, regulatory and contractual compliance obligations.
Testing: Hub Culture undertakes 3rd party penetration and security testing from outside security firms on an annual basis. The scope and depth of these penetration tests are determined by outside vendors, who report back on security precautions, potential vulnerabilities and suggestions for improvement. Â Since 2014, Hub Culture has underaken two independent security reviews, with resulting summaries on potential enhancements to security reviewed by the CISO.
Process: Security review processes include guidance oversight on two aspects of Hub Culture's operations: internal technical processes and external vulnerabilities. Hub Culture seeks to balance these two areas of security with convenience for users, with functions that include password retrieval, live concierge support, contact and dispute resolution resources, and transaction monitoring for at-risk or suspicous accounts. Security complaints involving Ven transactions are reviewed by the Hub Culture CISO with direct input from this office in instances where the member is not satisfied with supplied outcomes or remedies.
The objective of Hub Culture's Cyber Security programme is to deter threats and minimize vulnerabilities as they are discovered. In no way does Hub Culture provide warranties or guarantee of data security for information or transactions held on its platform, and reminds users that data ownership on the platform rests with the individual. As such, so does ultimate liability for data stored on the system, including digital identity certificates, resource data used for identity verification, digital assets of various types, and personal information or data supplied on the system.
Customer privacy and information security are top priorities for Hub Culture, and the company regularly monitors its policies and procedures to ensure compliance with internationally available data privacy and security guidelines. Hub Culture offers details on Privacy policies and terms in its Privacy Policy as part of its terms of service available to all members.
Hub Culture maintains triple-redundancy systems for its core information architecture, with a remote data backup and storage capability with a secure third-party for its digital currency and digital asset transaction histories. In the event of data breach or loss, the remote backup capabilities are available for review and data loss mitigation.
Hub Culture offers a complaint resolution center online, via telephone and with dedicated concierge support online. Customer who wish to file a complaint or to ask questions about Hub Culture services are encourage to visit the Complaint Resolution Contact Center, to file a ticket with a Hub Culture Valet through the Pavilions concierge system, or to call Hub Culture toll-free at +1 844 458 2858.