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The Blockchain Workshops Land in London

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The Blockchain Workshops are a series of events around block chain technology with an academic core, focused on evolution of the technologies in areas beyond finance to incude identity, smart contracts and more.

The London edition of the series is scheduled for June 13-16, 2015 with a hands-on workshop and a hackathon, followed by a policy roundtable and a two day public conference. Get tickets.

Drai's NightClub Showcases Ven Digital Currency at Money 2020 - 0.45 Ven

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Drai's NightClub is teaming up with Hub Culture to showcase Ven in Las Vegas with a party celebrating Election Night 2014 and Money 2020, on November 4, 2014, from 10pm.

Internet Week Europe

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Join us for a series of breakfast roundtable discussions during Internet Week Europe, 9-11 November, 2010

The Serpentine Gallery Future Contemporaries Party

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Every year Europe's upcoming art leaders - the Future Contemporaries - host one of London's chic nights - a Pavilion party at the Serpentine Gallery.

This year is all about the Red, join on 23 September, 2010 as they raise funds for the Gallery, and get your tickets using Ven.