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13th Jun 2020

HubID Health COVID-19 Test Verifications Make International Travel Easier

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Hub Culture members are now able to work with their doctor and healthcare practitioner to receive verified health certifications before they travel using HubiD Health. The service provides a secure way to receive, store and share COVID-19 test verifications.

As countries around the world begin to re-open for international travel, the need for tests before flying have become a key part of the screening process. HubID Health provides a way for Hub Culure members to store their test result online, available as a core component of their HubID health status. 

Verification involves several easy steps:

1. Hub Culture members invite their doctor to connect inside HubID Health Telemedicine, where a secure and private connection is available for messaging.

2. If you have a test result, upload this and share it with your healthcare practitioner, who can respond with a digital test certification that includes date, location of test, status and the presence of the antibodies. 

3. If the doctor has your test result, they can issue their own certification to you from their side.

4. If you wish, the test result data can be shared anonymously with other contacts in your network without revealing your identity.

5. When traveling, you can then access test certificates to show travel related authorities your certificate either through their HubID health page on Hub Culture.