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14th May 2012

Innotribe Startup Challenge Europe

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The Innotribe Startup Challenge is a global competition that introduces startups working in FinTech and Financial Services to investors and SWIFT s community of 9700+ financial institutions and corporations. Startups apply online for feedback, exposure, the opportunity to pitch to qualified investors & customers at regional events and at Innotribe@Sibos, as well as a share of $500,000 in prizes.

There s no cost to startups (or attendees) to participate, except their travel. So far this year, our judges including Hub Culture have selected 29 semi-finalists from hundreds of applicants to the Innotribe Challenge Showcases in NYC & Singapore. Applications for the last regional semi-final event of 2012 (in Belfast on June 14th) are due by May 21st on http://www.innotribestartup.com. Hub Culture executive editor Edie Lush will be on hand for the European leg judging finals June 14 in Belfast, with a special showcase on Ven included.
Innotribe is also a partner in Liquidity - The Summit on New Finance coming to London 1 June.

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