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Startup looking for office space in NYC

Fabian Pfortmuller said: hi guys

we're a group of students from Columbia, working on our startups and looking for a space to work over the summer here in NYC.

would anyone know about a company with extra capacity, an unused room or desks? any hints greatly appreciated.

we're working on different projects:

- a global network of young talents, www.sandbox-network.com
- a new apparel brand, www.holstee.com

many thanks & best wishes


16:26 04/06/09

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Zeke hi Fabian

Our New York project is being developed around New York fashion week for September, but is not yet concrete. We are also looking into a permanent Pavilion in the Soho area, but that is also still in the works, so we don't have anything to offer you at the moment in terms of space.

The Pavilions are quite a specific concept as well, you can see photos and images at http://www.flickr.com/hubculture



1. Jun 4th, 2009
