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Please reload and retry in a moment.
Or, peruse the 711 public hubs that are open for you to join:
1 Money 1 Ireland 1 Ven (2 members) | |
Hi, is anybody thinking of setting up business in Ireland in the next 18 months? If so, I can help you for no fee as I am looking to do so myself. Please contact me directly via this address if you |
100secs (1 member) | |
100secs hub |
11hub (2 members) | |
Purpose of online batting |
144 Project (15 members) | |
‘The 144 PROJECT’ - a way to create change in the world and make it 'stick', by building sustainable ‘Community Campus in a Box’ franchises that empower Developing Co |
363 Northern Blvd Germantown NY 12526 (1 member) | |
363 Northern Blvd Germantown NY 12526 hub |
363 Northern Blvd Germantown NY 12526 (0 members) | |
363 Northern Blvd Germantown NY 12526 hub |
5brand (4 members) | |
Could you define yourself with only 5 brands? Any segment, service, sports, people, movie, music, country or type. No matter, only the "brand Spirit" counts. |
5x5 (1 member) | |
5x5 est un système de vente en réseau pour la diffusion de lampes solaires au Burkina Faso 5x5 multiplie le micro-crédit, et mets en relation les micro-préteurs avec les m |
99 hub (1 member) | |
Cricket betting app |
A Quick Guide: 5 Best Things to Do in Melbourne (1 member) | |
Melbourne has a lot to offer to the average visitor. In order not to wander aimlessly through the streets of Melbourne, we’ve compiled a list of 5 things to do while in the city. |
A Transformation Station (1 member) | |
A Transformation Station hub |
A Transformation Station (5 members) | |
A collaboration hub for A Transformation Station |
abc (1 member) | |
abc hub |
Academy at the Hub (3 members) | |
A collaboration group for the Academy project |
Accenture (2 members) | |
A working group for Accenture collaboration. |
AccountantsWorld (1 member) | |
The Social Network for Accountants. AccountantsWorld brings Online Social Media to the Accountancy and Finance industry. We aim to cater for all Your Online Social and Professional Networking needs |
Accounting CPA (1 member) | |
Acumen (9 members) | |
This group links Acumen fellows for collaboration |
Adana (3 members) | |
Adana group |
Adgeco Group (1 member) | |
Adgeco Group, Holding Company in UAE offer comprehensive services of construction,oil & gas,engineering,epc,real estate,marine,satellite,landscaping,multimedia,scaffolding,security system integrat |
Adventure sports travel (4 members) | |
Speed, height, depth, pressure, stress, cold, heat, gravity, adrenalin... if you indulge in activities that involve an excess of any of those, this is the group for you! |
Advertising Influencers (8 members) | |
a group for people to come and discuss the core principles of advertising and to review our own work, and some of the current trends within the industry. |
AI singularity and unpredictable phenomena (5 members) | |
As technology becomes more complex, Artificial Intelligence evolves towards Artificial Conscience. When a threshold called Singularity will be reached, unpredictable phenomena will be triggered. |
AI singularity and unpredictable phenomena (1 member) | |
As technology becomes more complex, Artificial Intelligence evolves towards Artificial Conscience. When a threshold called Singularity will be reached, unpredictable phenomena will be triggered. |
Ali (1 member) | |
Alternet Systems (3 members) | |
A collaboration point for Alternet Systems with Hub Culture |
American University (1 member) | |
American University hub |
Anime TV (1 member) | |
Antigua & Barbuda (3 members) | |
Antigua & Barbuda hub |
Appy-04 (1 member) | |
Appy-04 hub |
appy-05 (1 member) | |
appy-05 hub |
appy-06 (1 member) | |
appy-06 hub |
appy-07 (1 member) | |
appy-07 hub |
Appy-test (1 member) | |
Appy-test hub |
Appy-test2 (1 member) | |
Appy-test2 hub |
Appytest101 (1 member) | |
Appytest101 hub |
AppyTestPublic (1 member) | |
AppyTestPublic hub |
Aqua News (1 member) | |
Aqua News hub |
Architecture (2 members) | |
Professional group for Architecture and Urbanism aimed at both theory and practice of design. |
Arecibo Suncrest (1 member) | |
Arecibo Suncrest hub |
Argentina (1 member) | |
If you are looking for local partners or investments opportunities en several industries, services and real estate, this is the place you should join. |
ART (74 members) | |
Its all about art, artists, art collectors, art professionals and art lovers. Present your favorites (piece of art, artist, museum, club, exhibihition, fair) to our circle and invitations to member |
Art Basel Miami Beach 2011 (43 members) | |
This group outlines activities and projects tied to Art Basel Miami Beach. |
Artificial Intelligence (6 members) | |
Discussing modern forms of machine learning. |
ARZU - Hope by Design (5 members) | |
Arzu,Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that provides sustainable income to Afghan women by sourcing and selling the rugs they weave. An ARZU rug is an investment in hope. |
Asociacion Puertorriqueña Energia Verde (APEV) (3 members) | |
Nuestra Asociación, fundada en enero de 2006, tiene los siguientes propósitos principales:Educar, orientar y hacer posible un futúro para nuestro país con la menor cantidad |
Augmented Reality (26 members) | |
How we start to merge connected information with the real world around us. |
Australian Hub Central (8 members) | |
Opening the Hub to the Australian Community, If you are based in Australia or wish to meet Australian based members why not start here, Open the communications, meet and greet and start sharing, |
Barcamp (5 members) | |
A development group for Barcamp related projects. |
Bare Knuckle PR (2 members) | |
The low down on how to generate fabulous publicity from the clever people at and |
Beauty industry (1 member) | |
A place where you can learn all you need to know about changing your career and switching to the beauty industry. |
Beijing at RAWR Caochangdi (5 members) | |
Beijing at RAWR Caochangdi group |
Big Sky (1 member) | |
Big Sky hub |
Bike Commuting (6 members) | |
I want to know what works for bike commuting in your area. Bikes, Gear, Clothing, or anything else that makes you feel good. |
Bitcoin (43 members) | |
This group is for discussing the use and impact of Bitcoin. |
Bitcoin Contributed Shares Investment Project (5 members) | |
Group dedicated to Bitcoin mining by offering Lowrisk-Highreward return on investments utilising Bitcoin mining. |
Bitcoin Ven Syndicate (16 members) | |
A management hub for the Bitcoin/Ven Syndicate Pool |
Black Rock City (30 members) | |
Black Rock City group |
Blindness and visual Impairment (1 member) | |
BMR Express International (1 member) | |
BMR Express International is a air transportation logistics provider specializing in both time-definite and cost effective air cargo and charter services |
Bodybuilding Supplements (1 member) | |
Join free the bodybuilding supplements and sports performance boosters hub. Product reviews with a focus on safety and quality. |
Bogota (1 member) | |
Bogota hub |
Brezzytop (1 member) | |
Brezzytop hub |
BridgingTheGap (1 member) | |
BridgingTheGap hub |
British American Project (BAP) (36 members) | |
A collaboration group for members of the British American Project (BAP). |
Bulding Buying Houses (1 member) | |
Need to build or buy a houses? We build houses everywhere • Solid steel re-enforced concrete foundation. If you need more informations inbox me! |
Bulgaria (2 members) | |
Bulgarian group |
business (1 member) | |
Business Enterprise (2 members) | |
This group is free to join! |
business website (1 member) | |
Ideas on business website |
BusinessHub (1 member) | |
Anything Business related... |
Cali (1 member) | |
Cali hub |
Car Detailing Center (1 member) | |
Carbon Trading (16 members) | |
A group for the exchange of information and development of projects in the carbon trading sector. |
Careless People (2 members) | |
A collaboration point for the book Careless People, by Sarah Churchwell |
Cars & Trucks (1 member) | |
Here you will find information on car reviews and the latest lease deals |
Chesterfields Post (1 member) | |
Real estate, business, investing, political, controversial news. |
Chicago (3 members) | |
Chicago group |
Cincinnati (1 member) | |
The City of Cincinnati, OH (USA) |
Cincinnati (1 member) | |
The City of Cincinnati, OH (USA) |
Cincinnati (1 member) | |
The City of Cincinnati, OH (USA) |
Cincinnati (1 member) | |
The City of Cincinnati, OH (USA) |
Cincinnati (1 member) | |
The City of Cincinnati, OH (USA) |
Citigroup (2 members) | |
A working collaboration point for Citigroup |
Citizen of Earth (7 members) | |
While we are born in a certain country and have a certain culture, our life can impact the whole world. We are people who are aware of their international influence. We are people of the world. |
Clean Tech (16 members) | |
A group with resources and information regarding the clean tech sector. Eventually this group will serve as a forum to connect capital and experts with clean tech ideas and projects. |
Climate Deal Day | |
A working group for collaboration around Climate Deal Day |
Cmsmart netbase (1 member) | |
COMPLETED ECOMMERCE SYSTEMS At Cmsmart, we power your business with full ecommerce solution to manage business process on Client |
CNBC Business (1 member) | |
A group to discuss pan-european and Asian business issues, CNBC Business is the monthly business magazine of CNBC TV |
CNN Creative Council (3 members) | |
Sharing creative worldwide |
Coalition - Reefs (2 members) | |
reefs |
Collective Intelligence & Virtual Presence (25 members) | |
A group interested in investigating various tools and technologies that support collaboration. |
Communication (1 member) | |
Connect Barcelona (1 member) | |
A group to connect everybody that travels to or visits Barcelona for a longer time (or lives in BCN...). Post questions and the locals resolve it for you. Through this we build up a BCN disc. group. |
Contemporary Art (46 members) | |
A group for contemporary art lovers |
Cookham taxi service (1 member) | | is a certified online taxi network in Maidenhead which offers reliable taxi service. These taxi services include the areas of cookham taxi, marlow taxi, Maidenhead taxi ,Windsor taxi, |
Costa Rica (3 members) | |
Costa Rica hub |
Creatives for Climate (2 members) | |
cross cultural marketing (4 members) | |
Crypto Currency Exchange club in Ven (1 member) | |
This is a place where members can come together. Chat discuss and talk about current Crypto currencies. Even trade each other in the currency of Ven here. As a paypal style trading spot. have fun |
cryptoninja (1 member) | |
All about cryptoninja and the crypto-scene. We love crypto! Together we will build our crypto-future! cryptoninja |
CSR API (12 members) | |
This group is about "CSR API" currency portability proposal for the Ven Prize. CSR stands for Carbon Social Ranking, a socially-driven way to take carbon externalities into account when trad |
Culture Generation X + Y (2 members) | |
Innovation + Creativity x Society = Culture Generation How do we use creative processes and thinking to develop politics in the UK to become inspiring, inclusive and progressive to develop action? |
Cyberport (1 member) | |
Cyberport hub |
DAO - Ven Asset Fund (3 members) | |
Management group for DAO membership holders. |
Dar es Salaam (2 members) | |
Dar es Salaam hub |
Darwin Alpha Ltd. Investing Analysis (1 member) | |
Cutting edge analysis! Uncovering investment opportunities and strong investment ideas. |
Dash Syndicate (2 members) | |
A membership ledger for the Dash Syndicate. |
Define Your Dream (18 members) | |
Let me help you define your dream - and then help you to achieve it! Only if you want something different from what you have now, will you be ready to define your dream. |
Degree in Passion (4 members) | |
Demo Hub (1 member) | |
Demo Hub Description |
Demo Hub 1a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 1a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 1a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 1a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 1a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2 (1 member) | |
collaboration hub where there's so much |
Demo Hub 2 ven100 (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 200ven (1 member) | |
Demo Hub Description |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2a (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2ab (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2ab (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2attt (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2ayyy (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is about |
Demo Hub 2bs (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is abouttt |
Demo Hub 2bs (1 member) | |
A description of what this hub is abouttt |
demo property (1 member) | |
demo property hub |
Denis Vincent Helico (1 member) | |
Most people know Denis Vincent as the chief financial officer of Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. |
Design Influencers (26 members) | |
Design Influencers is a group that looks at innovative ideas in all areas of design. Feel free to share your comments, and start discussions- this group is about sharing ideas! |
Digital Raign (2 members) | |
A collaboration hub for Digital Raign |
Diplomatic Academy Islamabad (1 member) | |
The group intends to share views on different political issues of national and international level. |
Doha (1 member) | |
Doha group |
Dolphin Touch Wellness Center (1 member) | |
Dolphin Touch Wellness Center hub |
Dragon Jewelry (1 member) | |
Dragon Jewelry hub |
Drinktank (2 members) | |
A collaboration group for Drinktank |
Drupal (7 members) | |
Drupal is probably the free and open source system for building web apps that is most talked about at the moment. If anyone has any questions about it, post them here. |
E.Factor (5 members) | |
A group for E.Factor members using the global network of Hub Culture Pavilions |
Earn that your first six figure in less than a month (1 member) | |
Register for the LIVE TRAINING & Learn How You Can Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Working Online Hosted By: John Crestani Facebook HATES This. Have you ever wondered if its really possible |
eco^2 (1 member) | |
Manifesting the new economic entity i want insight and contribution for #eco2, not feedback... . |
Eco-Friendly Flooring (1 member) | |
Flooring with a focus on Eco-Friendly Carpet from Mohawk Industries |
Edelman (3 members) | |
A collaboration point for Edelman members. |
EGO - Empowering Grassroots Organisations (9 members) | |
EGO empowers through tailored collaborative support, encouraging organic, outcome focused and sustainable positive change. Passing on knowledge and best practices are at the core of everything we do. |
Elevate Luxury (1 member) | |
A connection platform for leading executives in the Luxury Industry, featuring exclusive events and opportunities. |
Elite business club (1 member) | | |
Emerald City (3 members) | |
Emerald City hub |
EmeraldGhar (1 member) | |
EmeraldGhar hub |
Energie vergelijken (1 member) | |
alles over energie |
Entrepreneur Commons (7 members) | |
Entrepreneur Commons is a not-for-profit providing peer-support to entrepreneurs through small chapters of 5 to 10 entrepreneurs who meet monthly to share their knowledge, contacts and experience |
Entrepreneurship (2 members) | |
This hub is both about the study of how new businesses are created as well as the actual process of starting a new business. |
Entropia Spaceport (4 members) | |
Entropia Spaceport group |
Entropia Universe (2 members) | |
Environmentalism (1 member) | |
Here we discuss tips and tricks to living a more sustainable lifestyle. |
Equinox Detox: 18-24 March, 2009 (28 members) | |
Over the spring equinox, Hub Culture and the London Pavilion will host an interactive set of activities to help you detox and prep your body, mind and attitude for Spring! |
Espoo (1 member) | |
Espoo, town on outskirts of Helsinki, has now a dedicated group listing what is happening, and what Finnish nature has to offer! |
Essence Network (3 members) | |
A collection of blue chip creatives in media, film, fashion and other industries working to build collaboration together. |
Ethereum Syndicate (13 members) | |
A membership hub for the Ethereum / Ven Syndicate |
Event Photos (1 member) | |
Event photos from Hub Culture Pavilion London |
Executive Coach Alastair Hill (11 members) | |
Alastair helps people and organisations to improve their performance through coaching, training and facilitation. |
Executive Women (1 member) | |
Senior business women that want to connect for specific private events. |
Expensive Group (2 members) | |
This group is so cool, we're charging a fee to join! |
Exquisite Expeditions: Africa (10 members) | |
A mini hub for luxury & off the beaten track inside knowledge on city, get-away or more ambitious exotic adventure |
Exquisite Expeditions: Latin America (11 members) | |
A mini hub for luxury & off the beaten track inside knowledge on city, get-away or more ambitious exotic adventure |
Exquisite Expeditions: Middle East (6 members) | |
A mini hub for luxury & off the beaten track inside knowledge on city, get-away or more ambitious exotic adventure |
Exquisite Expeditions: Silk Road (4 members) | |
Trips, tips, travel, lectures, hotels and anything interesting pertaining to incredible voyages on the Silk Road, past and present |
Exquisite Expeditions: Southeast Asia (14 members) | |
A mini Hub for luxury & off the beaten track inside knowledge on city, get-away or more ambitious exotic adventure |
Faberlic Europe (1 member) | |
News and information about oxygen cosmetic. Cosmetic - you need it like oxygen. |
Fashion Industry (1 member) | |
This hub is for members of the fashion industry to discuss issues relevant to our industry. Learn about fashion designer, factories, distributors, retailers, etc. For work in the apparel industry. |
Fashion Influencers | |
Connecting and engaging the global fashion community |
Faster Payments Taskforce (16 members) | |
A collaboration point for coordinated proposal development. |
Festival Annual 11 (8 members) | |
We are a user generated book celebrating the UK festival season. Come and be part of it at www.myspace/festivalannual - upload your photos and Get Your Face in our Space! |
Flury Cafe (1 member) | |
Flury Cafe hub |
Food, Garden and Sustainability Inspiration (9 members) | |
What changes can we make in cities to the way we eat and produce food to become closer to sustainable living? Is the answer in ideological and social change or is technology the key holder? |
FORTUNE (1 member) | |
A collaboration group for FORTUNE related content and projects. |
Frankfurt (1 member) | |
Frankfurt group |
French Hub (2 members) | |
A general interest german speaking Hub. Un Hub généraliste en français. |
Frontlines (2 members) | |
A collaboration Hub for Frontlines climate action |
FruitWine (8 members) | |
A business project of Fruit Wine from the fruit "Äuồng Äuông" - a specialty fruit of Phu Quoc Island in Viet Nam. Welcome to our project! |
Future Horizon (1 member) | |
A collaboration center for Future Horizon |
Futures 2020 (18 members) | |
A series of Hub Culture Conferences looking at the future. |
Galifrey (1 member) | |
Galifrey hub |
Gaming (1 member) | |
All about games. |
Ganoderma Healthy Coffee (1 member) | |
Do you take your black coffee with Cream and Sugar? We have the perfect blend of Ganoderma, coffee, sugar and non dairy creamer sure to tempt your tastebuds. Smell the rich, goodness of our Ganoderm |
Gardiner Gardens (1 member) | |
Gardiner Gardens hub |
geekpub (10 members) | |
after work drinks for mac/tech/gadgets/scifi/online-lovers. |
Gentoo (1 member) | |
Everything about gentoo linux |
German Hub (5 members) | |
A general interest german speaking Hub. Ein allgemeiner deutschsprachiger Hub. |
Get Global (7 members) | |
A collaboration Hub for Get Global |
ghwgt (1 member) | |
gehewg fhre |
Gleam Quarters (1 member) | |
Gleam Quarters hub |
GLOBAL GIRL MEDIA (1 member) | |
Goa (5 members) | |
Welcome to Hub Culture in Goa, where we are collecting resources and people to help drive the Ven economy forward. Invite friends, and get in touch to suggest products and services related to Ven. |
Good Ideas Salons (24 members) | |
A development group for PSFK's Good Ideas Salons around the world. |
Google Chromo OS is the future of desktop computing (0 members) | |
The cloud and SaaS is the future? |
Governors Global Climate Summit 2: Panelist Collaboration (9 members) | |
A collaboration group for panelists speaking at the Governor's Global Climate Summit 2 |
Governors Global Climate Summit 3: Global Pavilion (85 members) | |
The main collaboration group tied to the Hub Culture Global Pavilion at the Governors' Global Climate Summit 3 at UC Davis, Califronia, 15-16 November 2010. |
Grand Opening of the London Pavilion: Weds. 25 March, 2009 (128 members) | |
Join us at the Hub Culture London Pavilion Grand Opening. To be included on the guest list, please apply here. |
Greek hub (1 member) | |
This hub is for all the Greeks around the world. Thank you for join us. |
Green Land - Green century (3 members) | |
Make your life safety and healthy! |
Green Pomelo Group (Da Xanh Quán) (8 members) | |
Bạn cần giữ vóc dáng đẹp, bạn cần má»™t chế Ä‘á»™ dinh dưỡng cân đối và khoa há»c? Hãy đến vá»›i Da Xanh! Welcome, here you can share idea |
Green tech Ireland (1 member) | |
Anybody thinking of setting up business in Ireland in the next 18 months? This sector looks set to increase substantially after the recent boost to jobs and lowered unemployment. As I say say th |
Grenzenloser (1 member) | |
This HUB especially is about in earning in Cryptocurrencies and creating a real nice Portfolio just by doing free tasks! |
Grounded (1 member) | |
Grounded hub |
Guatemala (1 member) | |
I lived in Guatemala for 13 years, during the civil war, until I was 18. We lived in a little village NW of Huehuetenango: San Miguel Acatán. I would like to discuss Guatemala and its future. |
H(app)athon (11 members) | |
A collaboration group for the H(app)athon project |
Ha Noi Crafts (1 member) | |
Bảo tồn và phát triển làng nghá» truyá»n thống cổ. |
Haiti Reconstruction (6 members) | |
A working group for the Haiti project coming out of Davos 2010 |
HCP Investor Center (26 members) | |
A series of updates and information for Hub Culture Pavilions stakeholders. |
Health (1 member) | |
Health Care Network (4 members) | |
For those who work or are interested in the health care field. Everything from biotechnology to pharmaceuticals to public and community health. |
Healthy Living (3 members) | |
This hub is dedicated to healthy living. Here you can find articles relating to a healthy lifestyle. |
heartbeat (1 member) | |
connecting people exploring a one-planet lifestyle ... naturally |
Hedera (1 member) | |
Collaboation for the Hedera ecosystem |
Hedera (2 members) | |
Collaboration for the Hedera ecosystem |
Helambu Village (1 member) | |
Helambu Village group |
Heliotropis (1 member) | |
Heliotropis hub |
Hello World (2 members) | |
The world's first AI to AI summit, coming summer 2017. |
HIYOUT social network (3 members) | |
HIYOUT connects users and places in a new way. |
Ho Chi Minh City Working (9 members) | |
A working group for the Ho Chi Minh City Hub |
Ho Chi Minh City2 (1 member) | |
Ho Chi Minh City2 hub |
Holatenango (1 member) | |
Holatenango hub |
Holochain Syndicate (3 members) | |
A syndicate managing Holochain membership. |
Home Improvement (1 member) | |
Are you planning on remodeling your house? Check out these articles to find helpful tips. |
Home Improvement (2 members) | |
Home improvement and decor |
Home Improvement (1 member) | |
Home Improvement |
Home Loans (1 member) | |
Since it is a government scheme with a mindset of providing housing loans to maximum people, one can easily get the loan either for buying or even home loans. One should be eligible for it. |
Home Sweet Home (1 member) | |
Place where home improvment inspiration can lead to some really great ideas |
Homeopathy Hub (1 member) | |
A place to get homeopathic advice. Exchange cyber currency for energetic medicine. |
Hopenhagen (16 members) | |
A collaboration group for global activism around the Hopenhagen initiative |
Horasis: The Global Visions Community (1 member) | |
Horasis: The Global Visions Community hub |
Horseshoe Bay Beach (1 member) | |
Horseshoe Bay Beach hub |
How can you be more GREEN (30 members) | |
Tips, ideas, debates and products to keep our earth and our children alive. Please add to the Wiki or discussions anytime you like. |
HP Innovation Salon (2 members) | |
An online discussion group to facilitate connections made at the HP Innovation Salons. |
HSG Alumni (2 members) | |
Hub Culture subsidiary of HSG Alumni (University of St. Gallen) only Join here to get your personal invitation for |
HUB - Pharmaceutical Environment Network (4 members) | |
HUB-PEN offers a platform to share experiences and knowledge in the EU healthcare environment, connecting eachother and helping to broaden your network in UK and beyond. Best, Nadine van Dongen |
Hub Abu Dhabi (44 members) | |
Collaboration for Abu Dhabi using the Ven and other community tools. |
Hub Amsterdam | |
Home base for the Hub Culture Pavilion in Amsterdam |
Hub Aspen | |
An online coworking and collaboration group for Hub Aspen |
Hub Athens (22 members) | |
Athens group |
Hub Atlanta | |
A collaboration group for Hub Culture Atlanta |
Hub Auckland (17 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Auckland |
Hub Austin (42 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Austin. |
Hub Baku (5 members) | |
Welcome to the Hub Culture Climate Pavilion at Baku, COP29. |
Hub Bali (30 members) | |
Bali group |
Hub Baltimore (13 members) | |
Hub Baltimore - where we are using Ven to grow opportunities for Hub Culture members in Baltimore, to drive innovation and create a Pavilion. Get involved, invite other |
Hub Bangkok | |
A collaboration group for Hub Culture Bangkok. |
Hub Barcelona (29 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Barcelona |
Hub Beijing | |
Collaborate in the Beijing group |
Hub Beijing Working Group (2 members) | |
This private working group is a resource to link and connect the working team for the Beijing project, and to provide working tools and information for stakeholders. |
Hub Beirut (3 members) | |
Beirut group |
Hub Berlin | |
An exploratory group for the creation of a Hub Pavilion in Berlin. |
Hub Bermuda (317 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Culture in Bermuda featuring the Innovation Campus and Beach Club at Ariel Sands. |
Hub Boston | |
Collaboration and engagement in Boston. |
Hub Boulder (12 members) | |
Welcome to the Hub Culture Boulder group, where we are building community resources and projects around the Pavilions initiative and the Ven economy. Get involved, invite others! |
Hub Brand Creative | |
A reservoir for Hub Culture Brand Creative |
Hub Brisbane (7 members) | |
Hub Brisbane is an online digital pavilion to encourage growth and community. We're in it, lets invite everyone else! |
Hub Brussels (15 members) | |
Brussels group |
Hub Budapest (7 members) | |
Budapest group |
Hub Buenos Aires | |
A collaboration group for Hub Culture in Buenos Aires. |
Hub Cannes (86 members) | |
Hub Culture in Cannes. |
Hub Cape Town | |
Collaborate in the Hub Cape Town group. |
Hub Capri (9 members) | |
A hub for members living the life in Capri. |
Hub Chamonix (5 members) | |
Chamonix group |
Hub Chicago | |
Anyone looking to collaborate and bring value with this type of currency in Chicago. |
Hub Christchurch (11 members) | |
Christchurch collaboration group. |
Hub Coachella Valley (4 members) | |
Coachella Valley Palm Springs hub |
Hub Consuls (20 members) | |
A collaboration point for the global network of Hub Culture Consuls, who manage city based operations. To visit the Consulate go to |
Hub Copenhagen | |
Welcome to the Copenhagen hub, a place for Nordic collaboration. |
Hub Culture | |
The home group of Hub Culture with general information and tips for all members. |
Hub Culture - Executive Coaching (4 members) | |
A group for all those who will be joining Hub Culture's leading Executive Coach in progressing their careers. |
Hub Culture Board of Directors (2 members) | |
A group for the board of Hub Culture with latest news, meeting schedules and shared documents. |
Hub Culture Consulate | |
This meeting point for the international business community guides opportunities for involvement in the Ven economy. |
Hub Culture Events | |
A Group for all Hub Culture members to keep up to date with our bespoke events services and news. |
Hub Culture Franchise Partnerships (2 members) | |
A working and information group for interested parties on franchise and partnerships worldwide. |
Hub Culture Information Technology (3 members) | |
A group handling best practices in hub info tech. |
Hub Culture Internet Republic (15 members) | |
A resource center for all things related to the new Hub Culture Internet Republic. |
Hub Culture Movie Nights (25 members) | |
Hub Culture's Movie Nights show highly curated masterpieces & take place at our Pavilions. Guaranteed to open your mind & tease your sense of adventure. Come along & bring a friend! |
Hub Culture NooRepublic, Croatia (37 members) | |
Operations surrounding Hub Culture's art and conservation island at Majsan, Croatia. |
Hub Culture Oasis, Kauai (1 member) | |
Hub Culture Oasis, Kauai hub |
Hub Culture Ringtones (7 members) | |
One low price provides access to the full Hub Culture ringtone library for downloads to your mobile phone or desktop. |
Hub Culture Secret Beach, Ibiza (8 members) | |
A group for ticket holders to Secret Beach. |
Hub Culture Strategic Partners | |
A working and collaboration group for Hub Culture Partners |
Hub Dallas (6 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Dallas. |
Hub Davos | |
Home base for the Hub Culture Davos Leadership Campus, including the Icon, TechLodge, ICEhouse, Terrace and Chalet Pavilion. |
Hub DC (3 members) | |
For members around the Washington DC area. |
Hub Delhi (19 members) | |
A collaboration point for New Delhi around Ven and Hub Culture |
Hub Denver (15 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Denver. |
Hub Detroit (7 members) | |
A collaboration group for Detroit around Ven. |
Hub Developers (79 members) | |
Support and discussion about using the Ven API. Ask questions, get the latest information, and collaborate with others. |
Hub Dubai (26 members) | |
A collaboration group for Hub Culture in Dubai. |
Hub Durban | |
The Durban collaboration group. |
Hub Florianopolis (4 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Florianopolis. |
Hub Garden (10 members) | |
Steering group for the development of Hub Gardens - rural counterparts to Hub Pavilions - providing a place to relax and recharge. Focus on high quality food grown and produced by/for the members. |
Hub Geneva (16 members) | |
A collaboration group fro Geneva related projects. |
Hub Gulf Coast | |
A collaboration group for recovery and development of the Ven Economy in the Gulf Coast. |
Hub Hanoi (11 members) | |
Hanoi group |
Hub Helsinki (5 members) | |
Helsinki group |
Hub Ho Chi Minh City (53 members) | |
Ho Chi Minh City group |
Hub Hong Kong (69 members) | |
A hub for collaboration and engagement in Hong Kong. |
Hub Honolulu (9 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Honolulu. |
Hub Hyderabad (8 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Hyderabad. |
Hub Ibiza (102 members) | |
Home base for the Hub Culture Pavilion in Ibiza. |
Hub Istanbul (13 members) | |
A collaboration group for the Ven economy in Istanbul |
Hub Jackson Hole (5 members) | |
Jackson Hole Hub aims to generate Ven wealth and community with in the Hub Culture community. |
Hub Jakarta (7 members) | |
Jakarta group |
Hub Johannesburg (8 members) | |
Hub Johannesburg is an online network where we are using Ven to grow opportunities for Hub Culture members, to drive innovation and eventually create a Pavilion. Get involved, and get inviting... |
Hub Lagos (2 members) | |
Hub Lagos is a digital platform for members of Hub Culture who want to create contact, build community and develop Ven assets. The more the merrier, so lets get inviting! |
Hub Las Vegas (11 members) | |
Las Vegas group |
Hub Lisbon (11 members) | |
A collaboration point for Lisbon |
Hub London | |
Welcome to Hub Culture Townhouse London, located in the heart of Mayfair. |
Hub Los Angeles | |
The Los Angeles collaboration group |
Hub Madrid (16 members) | |
Hub Culture collaboration around Madrid |
Hub Maison (21 members) | |
Hub Culture presents Maison, a floating global fashion concept appearing at key fashion times and places. |
Hub Marbella (6 members) | |
A collaboration point for the Marbella group |
Hub Marrakech (11 members) | |
Marrakesh group |
Hub Melbourne | |
Collaboration around a Hub Culture group in Melbourne |
Hub Mexico City (21 members) | |
A collaboration group for Mexico City to develop the Ven economy. |
Hub Miami | |
Home base for Hub Culture in Miami |
Hub Milan (16 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Milan |
Hub Milwaukee (2 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Culture in Milwaukee |
Hub Minneapolis (7 members) | |
A collaobration point for Hub Culture in Minneapolis. |
Hub Monaco (1 member) | |
Monaco hub |
Hub Montréal | |
A collaboration point for Hub Culture in Montreal |
Hub Moscow | |
A collaboration point for Moscow |
Hub Mumbai | |
A collaboration group for Hub Culture in Mumbai. |
Hub Munich (10 members) | |
Hub Munich collaboration group. |
Hub Mykonos (2 members) | |
Mykonos group |
Hub Nairobi (10 members) | |
A collaboration group around Hub Nairobi. |
Hub Naples (2 members) | |
Naples group |
Hub Net Worth (1 member) | |
Hub Net Worth is a high net worth connection and currency positioning service. Members hold an open Ven position and are able to privately share ideas and opportunities. |
Hub New York | |
Home base for Hub Culture in New York, with regular pop-up Pavilions and activities. |
Hub Ocean (4 members) | |
A collaboration group around the world Ocean |
Hub Orange County (3 members) | |
Hub Orange County aims to encourage growth in community and Ven assets. |
Hub Osaka (4 members) | |
An Osaka group for Ven collaboration |
Hub Oslo (5 members) | |
A group for Hub Culture is Oslo |
Hub Palm Beach (2 members) | |
Palm Beach group |
Hub Palo Alto | |
The development group for Hub Palo Alto |
Hub Panama City (5 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Panama City. |
Hub Paris | |
A home for Hub Culture Parisians, and a place to grow opportunities in Ven. |
Hub Park City (3 members) | |
Park City Hub aims to generate Ven wealth and community within the Hub Culture community. |
Hub Pavilion: Bombay (2 members) | |
A group for development of a Hub Pavilion in Bombay |
Hub Pavilion: Cancún and Riviera Maya | |
The Hub Pavilion Cancún and Riviera Maya. |
Hub Pavilion: Chicago (1 member) | |
A group for development of a Hub Pavilion in Chicago |
Hub Pavilion: Malta (1 member) | |
Why not have a Hub Pavilion in Malta? Malta is the perfect place in the middle of the Med to connect Europe and Africa, Mediterranean countries, etc. |
Hub Pavilion: Melbourne (2 members) | |
A group for development of a Hub Pavilion in Melbourne |
Hub Pavilion: Odessa (1 member) | |
A group for development of a Hub Pavilion in Odessa |
Hub Pavilion: Providence (2 members) | |
A working group on Providence |
Hub Pavilion: Punta del Este (28 members) | |
Home base for the Hub Culture Pavilion in Punta del Este, opening January 2010. |
Hub Pavilion: Yangon (5 members) | |
Bringing Hub Culture to Myanmar ... |
Hub Pavillon: Roma (1 member) | |
An exploratory group for the creation of a Hub Pavilion in Rome, Italy. |
Hub Philadelphia (13 members) | |
Philadelphia group |
Hub Phuket (5 members) | |
Phuket group |
Hub Portland (12 members) | |
Portland group |
Hub Prague (4 members) | |
This digital Hub is building a Ven economy for Prague and connecting Hub Culture members in the area toward projects and opportunities. |
Hub Property (2 members) | |
The Hub Property group, featuring a diverse selection of stunning, rare properties. |
Hub Providence (3 members) | |
Welcome to the Hub Culture Providence group, where we are building community resources and projects around the Pavilions initiative and the Ven economy. Get involved, invite others! |
Hub Raleigh Durham (5 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Raleigh Durham. |
Hub Rio de Janeiro | |
Online coworking and collaboration for Hub Rio de Janeiro. |
Hub Rome (8 members) | |
A collaboration group for Hub Culture in Rome |
Hub São Paulo | |
Hub Sao Paulo collaboration group |
Hub Saint Petersburg (5 members) | |
Saint Petersburg group |
Hub San Diego (13 members) | |
San Diego group |
Hub San Francisco | |
Home base for the Hub Culture community in San Francisco |
Hub San Jose (4 members) | |
San Jose group |
Hub Santa Fe (5 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Santa Fe. |
Hub Santiago (6 members) | |
Santiago group |
Hub Scottsdale | |
A collaboration group around Hub Scottsdale. |
Hub Seattle | |
A collaboration group for the Hub Culture community in Seattle |
Hub Seoul (8 members) | |
Collaborate in the Hub Seoul group. |
Hub Seville (2 members) | |
Seville group |
Hub Shanghai (16 members) | |
Shanghai group |
Hub Singapore (73 members) | |
Home base for Hub Culture in Singapore. |
Hub Sofia (5 members) | |
A group for collaboration in Sofia, Bulgaria. |
Hub St. Louis (6 members) | |
St. Louis group |
Hub Stockholm | |
Collaborate in the Hub Culture Stockholm group. |
Hub Studio (6 members) | |
Studio group |
Hub Sun Valley (5 members) | |
Sun Valley group for collaboration. |
Hub SXSW (1 member) | |
A collaboration group around SXSW |
Hub Sydney (13 members) | |
Hub Culture home base in Sydney |
Hub Taipei (4 members) | |
Collaboration for Hub Culture in Taipei. |
Hub Talent (4 members) | |
A collaboration point for and recruitment facility for the world's leading design and creative talent. |
Hub Tel Aviv (8 members) | |
Tel Aviv group |
Hub Tokyo (24 members) | |
An online coworking group for Hub Culture Tokyo |
Hub Toronto | |
A collaboration point for Hub Culture Toronto. |
Hub Tulum (2 members) | |
Tulum hub |
Hub Tuscany (5 members) | |
Hub Culture has launched a new Pavilion in Tuscany in an rustic farm house, with full services. |
Hub Valencia (3 members) | |
Valencia group |
Hub Vancouver | |
A collaboration point for Hub Vancouver. |
Hub Verbier (5 members) | |
Verbier group |
Hub Vienna | |
A collaboration group for Hub Culture in Vienna |
Hub Washington DC (39 members) | |
A collaboration point for Hub Washington DC. |
Hub Westminster Working (7 members) | |
A private working group around Hub Westminster. |
Hub Zürich (21 members) | |
An online coworking and collaboration group for Zurich. |
Hungarian open minded people (2 members) | |
This is a place for hungarian people and for those who like Hungary. Hungarian language preferred, but english is a must. Welcome. |
Huong Com Moi (1 member) | |
Kinh doanh hoat dong nha hang |
Huong Com Moi Restaurant ( Com Hanoi) (1 member) | |
Specialty food in Hanoi |
HYPERPHASE (2 members) | |
This is a group for the creative and development activities on HubCulture. |
ICE Hub Glasgow (21 members) | |
Welcome to the ICE Hub in Glasgow |
Iconomi Syndicate (1 member) | |
A membership syndicate for Iconomi |
Ideas Made Digital (1 member) | |
A working group for Ideas Made Digital |
idtrade (1 member) | |
Provide free infomation |
IFN Film (1 member) | |
IFNFilm is a decentralized social media presence that serves as a network for the international festival community. Film, social media, and Transmedia professionals are welcome. |
Impera (1 member) | |
A hub for impera |
IND-US TARGET (1 member) | |
Ind-US TARGET LLC is a professional Job Placement Company based in Dallas. We select multi-disciplined Software Development Professionals for a variety of positions like Software Programmer Analysts |
Independent Art & Entertainment (1 member) | |
A Hub discussion group for all independent art forms, and the people who share knowledge, experience and other info re Film, Music, Art, Books, etc. The future is ours. Share @ your own risk. |
Independents United (3 members) | |
A collaboration hub for Independents United. |
Indonesia (1 member) | |
Infinity Studios (1 member) | |
A collaboration hub for Infinity Studios |
Inflight (1 member) | |
A group for companies and individuals who wish to keep up to date with commercial opportunites via inflight media. |
Innovation (22 members) | |
Are you an innovator? Are you always challenging the status quo and developing new solutions? Let's talk change. |
International Festival of Ibn Battuta 2nd Edition (1 member) | |
Cette vidéo a été tournée à Aguidir (Taroudant) dans le Palais de Claudio Bravo, Artiste peintre-sculpteur chilien décédé au Maroc (1936-2011) ; |
iSave.Vn (4 members) | |
An energy management and system optimization software for Laptop and Mobile |
Isha Institute of Inner Sciences (8 members) | |
An entirely volunteer-run, international nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating human potential and restoring global community through inspiration and individual transformation. |
istanbul (1 member) | |
Enjoy Istanbul Whatsoever! People who are living, who are coming and who are missing Istanbul: Gathered Amazing,charming ambience of Bosphorus! |
Itau (1 member) | |
A collaboration group for Itau and Hub Culture |
Java Coders (1 member) | |
This is a group for coming and sharing Java programs, codes, and knowledge to help better the coding scene around the world, and help budding prohmgrammers. |
Jaysanctuary (1 member) | |
Jaysanctuary hub |
JIC members and friends (1 member) | |
The JIC is an invitation only real-life club, which was founded in 1983 by Ludovic Autet+, Marc de Gontaut Biron, Prince Albert of Monaco, Prince Jean of Luxembourg, Anne Hearst and Anne Eisenhower.. |
JumpCrew (1 member) | |
JumpCrew hub |
Juniper Networks (1 member) | |
A collaboration group for Juniper Networks |
K4 Creative - strategic creative graphic and online design agency (4 members) | |
We work with clients across a diverse range of sectors including financial, retail, leisure, public sector, health, environmental and engineering to deliver engaging creative design solutions. |
Kactus Design (1 member) | |
Kactus Design hub |
KATIKA (29 members) | |
KATIKA is a young, dynamic and innovative company that provides furniture solutions to individuals with high expectations. KATIKA uses the finest quality solid wood to make dreams come true. |
Kauai (10 members) | |
Kaua'i Oasis is a community space for healing and raising the collective consciousness |
Kauai Surfshop (1 member) | |
Kauai Surfshop hub |
Kiev (2 members) | |
Kiev hub |
KINGLY MEN Openhouse & Cocktail - July 7th (20 members) | |
An iconic alternative event showcasing a men's young and vibrant, fashion and grooming destination |
Kinh doanh trực tuyến (1 member) | |
Hãy cùng tham gia mạng cá»™ng đồng thÆ°Æ¡ng mại Ä‘iện tá» vá»›i tôi, trao đổi vá»›i nhau vá» kinh doanh trá»±c tuyến, quảng bá website trá»±c tuyến, ứn |
KlubHouse (1 member) | |
KlubHouse hub |
Knowledge Brokerage (74 members) | |
Everything abut Hub Culture's Knowledge Brokerage system: how it works, who can benefit, and why we created it. |
Knowledge Hub (1 member) | |
Knowledge Hub hub |
KoolToonsTees Comunity (2 members) | |
This is a place that lets you know to latest kooltoonstees shirt and more things |
KrypC (4 members) | |
A collaboration and working point for KrypC |
La serieuse (1 member) | |
La serieuse hub |
LAMINATE KULTURE (3 members) | |
Lovers of all things fashion art and culture.generating a platform for people to Interact and build creative relationships. East x West. |
Landscape Photography (1 member) | |
Join free the landscape photography hub. Place for photographers, and not only, with passion for nature and landscape photography! |
Launchpad (1 member) | |
A forum to discuss and share ideas and knowledge on starting and running a business - funding, strategy, financials, marketing, PR, logistics, suppliers, technology development resources.......etc. |
Lawyer (1 member) | |
Lawyer (1 member) | |
Leaders on purpose (1 member) | |
Lop |
Leadership & Personal Brands (23 members) | |
"Perception is reality and first impressions last". Hints and tips for those in business and the public eye who want to develop their leadership and/or personal brands. |
Legal Issues (1 member) | |
Let's Make An Album! (8 members) | |
We need an album tied to the London Pavilion. Are you a singer, DJ or other producer? If so, help us produce it! |
Lettering Centre (1 member) | |
files for the lettering centre |
Lifeguard (2 members) | |
A working group for Lifeguard |
Lifestyle (1 member) | |
Lifestyle (1 member) | |
Healthy lifestyle ideas to lead a quality life. |
Lifestyle (1 member) | |
linnlinn (1 member) | |
Liquidity: The Summit on New Finance | |
A collaboration group for the Liquidity Summit series in London. |
Living The Gospel Value (1 member) | |
Preach the Gospel Values of Jesus Christ and spread the Faith to people of every race. |
Local taxi maidenhead (1 member) | |
Dot 2 Dot Taxis has been providing local taxi Maidenhead and minibus services in Maidenhead and the surrounding areas for over twenty years. We have a large fleet of vehicles |
London Fashion Week 2011 | |
Access to this party is by invitation only to Pavilion members and Londonist guests. If you are not a member, please apply for access with a brief description of you and your connection to LFW |
London Westminster (14 members) | |
London Westminster group |
Love Army (1 member) | |
A working hub for Love Army |
Love my BOSTON HUB (2 members) | |
Is Boston the best city ever or what? If you are a Bostonian, intend to become one, or even if you just like visiting the place, join in! Share your favourite "Boston thing" or saying. " |
Love Without Borders - For Refugees in Need (6 members) | |
A working and collaboration group for LWOB |
Low Tech Stories for High Tech Girls (1 member) | |
A collaboration group for the Low Tech Stories for High Tech Girls |
Lowlight Lounge (1 member) | |
Lowlight Lounge hub |
Luboock, TX (1 member) | |
If your here an want to use VEN, than so be it. |
Lucire (4 members) | |
Bringing team members and readers of the global fashion magazine, Lucire, together. |
Lumel Design (2 members) | |
Lumel Design is a Fresh, Young & Dynamic Interior Design Company bringing New & Creative ideas to the Design Industry. Based in JHB, we Specialize in Residential, Corporate, Retail & Lei |
Luxembourg (2 members) | |
Luxembourg group |
Luxury & Wealth (2 members) | |
A group to discuss and keep individuals and companies up to date with the latest news from the luxury marketplace |
Lyphic (1 member) | |
A hub for the Lyphic visual communication standard. |
M143g (1 member) | |
Cricket |
Madison Square (1 member) | |
Madison Square hub |
Margaret May Chiu (1 member) | |
A collaboration point for the Margaret May Chiu plan |
Mastercard and Ven (1 member) | |
A private group for collaboration |
Mathematics (2 members) | |
Anything about mathematics, be it applied or pure, communication or resource. |
Medellin (2 members) | |
Medelllin group |
Media Leaders (1 member) | |
We host international networking events in 15 cities,4 countries and 3 languages. We consist of thousands of professional members in Marketing, Advertising & Technology |
Media140 (1 member) | |
Exploring the future of the realtime web |
Medicinal value of Kava Kava (1 member) | |
Kava Kava is a tall shrub in the pepper family that grows in the South pacific Islands also known as the Piper Methysticum. For more information us at: |
Metalepsis Consulting Hub in Lund, Sweden (1 member) | |
We are ‘auditing’ topologically virtual spaces and places in ‘in-between’, with the aim of adding value to your personal, professional, and business narratives, rhetoric, actio |
Metaphour (4 members) | |
All things digital. |
Microblading (1 member) | |
A place where you can learn more about microblading trends! |
Mission Markets Sustainability Group (4 members) | |
Discuss the ways that the Hub Culture can promote use of the Ven and its reach to support environmental conservation finance and overall investing in sustainable companies, projects and organizations. |
MIT Internship Project (2 members) | |
Collaboration for summer 2013 internships |
Mobile App Development (2 members) | |
Any new update in the app development always excites app developers as passionate about app development & its methodology. |
Mobile Content (6 members) | |
All things related to the mobile content industry. |
Modern Design Store (1 member) | |
We're a fast-growing online retailer of modern furniture, home decor and contemporary lighting. Let us know what you need to get started with your remodel or makeover project. We'll help you |
Mold Remediation and Mitigation (1 member) | |
This hub is dedicated to a mold problem, what harm it can cause and how to detect it. |
Monavie - rainforest friendly health suppliement giving you all your fruit and veg in one daily shot. (3 members) | |
This group is about the monavie juice and gel packs. An amazing rainforest product which has 10 times the antioxidant power of broccoli and other superfoods in a convenient and tasty liquid or gel. |
Montenegro (3 members) | |
Montenegro group |
Montreal (1 member) | |
Montreal hub |
movie (0 members) | |
free movie download |
MrMoon´s Animal Welfare Activism Site (1 member) | |
MrMoon´s Animal Welfare Activism Site: MrMoon is concerned about how animals are treated. Therefore he has established his site where you can sign petitions. |
Murderess (1 member) | |
The woman who kills is still something of curiosity. But are the statistics changing? |
My hub (1 member) | |
test |
Nashville (0 members) | |
Nashville group of residents interested in all things facilities management. Trades in modernization and preservation of historic buildings please join group. |
NetworkSociety (2 members) | |
Discussiongroup: most useful network? (for what purpose?) most obscure network? How many virtual social networks can you handle? Is there something like a lifecycle of social networks? What destroys v |
new Hub for wallate (1 member) | |
kjk |
New Media Travel (2 members) | |
New Media Travel provides a range of New Media/Web 2.0 services to the travel industry, including Video PostCards embedded on nearly a million web pages globally and top travel sites. Join us! |
New Society Foundation (2 members) | |
A coordinating circle for members and associates of the New Society Foundation, a community of interests dedicated to advancing the principles of progress, community, strength, and dynamism. |
New York City Spa (1 member) | |
NYC is a city full of life. There are many hidden gems in the business world and here we try to classify the best of the best in the beauty world. |
News (1 member) | |
This hub brings you the latest in Business news and coverage from around the world, including business, health, technology, home improvement, construction, entertainment, politics, and finance. |
Nightclub (1 member) | |
Nightclub hub |
OB/GYN (1 member) | |
This hub is about gynecology: problems, diseases, procedures |
Object 327 (2 members) | |
Object 327 hub |
OmiseGo Syndicate (5 members) | |
A management syndicate for OmiseGo |
One Nation (1 member) | |
A One Nation collaboration hub |
Online Affiliate Marketing (1 member) | |
To learn and teach about all aspects of online affiliate marketing. Here is the link to an education site: Add your comments. |
Online Marketing (5 members) | |
From increasing your traffic and conversion rates to brand protection and social media. We're here to help your online marketing efforts. |
Open Audit Initiative (4 members) | |
The Open Audit Initiative (OAI) is Hub Culture's blockchain auditing project. |
Open Mustard Seed (5 members) | |
A collaboration group for Open Mustard Seed |
Operational Excellence Hub (2 members) | |
Leaders implementing Business Processes and Operational Excellence Methodology. If you are CxO, High Level Executive or anyone who implements LSS and other methodologies. JOIN US. Let us Connect! |
Organic Material _ Váºt Liệu Hữu CÆ¡ (8 members) | |
Váºt liệu hữu cÆ¡ được sản xuất từ các sợi tÆ¡ Nấm cho ra sản phẩm có những tính năng nhÆ° mút xốp: chống sốc, cách nhiệt,cá |
Our Health (1 member) | |
Oxford (1 member) | |
Oxford hub |
Park Street (1 member) | |
Park Street hub |
PASS - Professional Ability Standard System (5 members) | |
Dá»± án PASS muốn xây dá»±ng má»™t hệ thống Ä‘ánh giá năng lá»±c của các ứng viên vá»›i từng ngành. Mục tiêu trÆ°á»›c mắt của PA |
Pavenet (1 member) | |
Pavenet hub |
Penrose Financial : Best Practices in Social Media (7 members) | |
A working group for Penrose Financial stakeholders worldwide to enable cooperation and collaboration. |
PeopleString Members Society (1 member) | |
The PeopleString Members Society is for registered members of the PeopleString Social Network. PeopleString pays out 70 percent of its revenues back to its members. |
Personal Training (8 members) | |
Hub Culture's personal trainers are available for member bookings. This group profiles the trainers and links to bookings and other information. |
Photographers (28 members) | |
For people interested in all facets of Photography |
Photography & Videography (1 member) | |
Info related to the field of videos and photos. |
Phusikoi (1 member) | |
Phusikoi hub |
plant a plant and save the planet (1 member) | |
an initiate to plant more tree on planet earth |
Plasticity (1 member) | |
The collaboration group around the Plasticity Forum and associated projects. |
Plastics Pollution Coalition (2 members) | |
Disposable plastics are a massive source of pollution. Plastic bags, straws, bottles, utensils, lids, cups and plates offer a small convenience but stay forever. "No, thanks" to single-use p |
PlatformNZ Inc (proudly brought to you by assistNZ Ltd) (1 member) | |
Platform NZ is an incorporated society based in Auckland. We seek self sustainability & aim to build awareness & integration of social media & associated ICTs within Kiwi businesses & |
Play | A Festival of Fun (21 members) | |
A collaboration group around the group show Play | A Festival of Fun - by Paradise Row and Prakke Contemporary |
Portland Pavilion (1 member) | |
This group is the official public effort to start and maintain a Portland Oregon pavilion |
PR People (2 members) | |
All things related to PR, search marketing and the social web |
Principal Voices Alumni (19 members) | |
A collaboration group for past and present Principal Voices to develop and engage in projects related to the global Principal Voices initiative. |
Private Chef (7 members) | |
Hub Culture's private chef service allows members to create custom dining experiences at the Pavilion, at home or abroad. |
Programming... (1 member) | |
Programming related discussion, programming paradigms, languages, trends |
Project Kansas Anime Club Level (1 member) | |
Membership of the Project Kansas Anime Level. Cost 20 Ven. |
Project Kansas Anime Fan Zone (1 member) | |
Project Kansas Anime's Fan Zone for community news and more. |
PRSA (2 members) | |
A group for members of the PRSA, by invitation. |
Puerto Rico (3 members) | |
Puerto Rico hub |
Pure Sports (2 members) | |
A collaboration group with Pure Sports |
Pyramide solaire (1 member) | |
La pyramide solaire regroupe des membres qui souhaitent investir dans une centrale solaire. Le groupe s'agrandit en utilisant les fonctionnalités du marketing en réseau. |
Pyxpay (2 members) | |
A working group for Pyxpay activities |
QUANTUM YOGA w/ Lara Baumann (18 members) | |
Creating your ideal practice from an ocean of possibilities. Lara Baumann teaches the Quantum Method of Yoga. Available: CDs, World Tour & Classes |
Quintessentially (4 members) | |
A group for Quintessentially members that use the Pavilion. |
Quintessentially & Hub (7 members) | |
A private group for discussions around collaboration between both companies. |
R20 Next Generation Leadership Council (3 members) | |
A collaboration group for R20 and NGLC |
Real Estate Investing (1 member) | |
Tips and Tricks to Real Estate Investing. |
Reboot Britain (78 members) | |
A working group for projects surrounding Reboot Britain, held on 6 July, 2009 in London. |
Reboot Deutschland (2 members) | |
A collaboration group surrounding Reboot Deutschland |
Regenintel (24 members) | |
a collaboration hub |
Resource Asset Vehicle (1 member) | |
An information resource for Resource Asset. |
Ripple Syndicate (21 members) | |
A collaboration and information point for members of the Ripple Syndicate |
Rize Technology Corporation (1 member) | |
Find latest updates on all new technologies like Web Applications, Mobile Applications, Cloud Computing,Business Intelligence & Internet Marketing. For more information contact [email protected] |
Romania (3 members) | |
So.. you are here. |
Room To Read (5 members) | |
A collaboration group for Room to Read |
RRR (1 member) | |
RRR hub |
Ruby on Rails (1 member) | |
A place for Ruby on Rails developers to convene and discuss. Want more info on what Ruby on Rails is? |
S12234 (0 members) | |
S12234 hub |
saiyko web design and computer arts (2 members) | |
i'm a freelancer computer artist and web designer . I thaught about creating a groupe so i could maybe find people with the same interests. what i make is websites with flash 3d and 2d animation |
Salesforce Admins and Developers for Ven (1 member) | |
We are Hub of admins, developers and professionals who offer our assistance in exchange for Ven. Are you a professional? JOIN US! We'd love to have you on board! |
SALT Syndicate (2 members) | |
A membership syndicate for SALT, a digital asset. |
San Salvador (1 member) | |
San Salvador hub |
Sandbox Network (1 member) | |
A collaboration point for Sandboxers around the world. |
Sander Baluyut Property (1 member) | |
Sander Baluyut Property hub |
Sanitizing and Disinfection (1 member) | |
This hub is dedicated to sanitizing and disinfection which is now more important than ever with the outbreak of coronavirus. |
Sanitizing and Disinfection (1 member) | |
Useful information about disinfecting your property from coronavirus. |
Sanitizing and Disinfection (1 member) | |
Information on how to stay safe and healthy during the coronavirus pandemic. |
SAP BI/BW (1 member) | |
This group's aim is to share knowledge with each other. It is created for the people who are looking for career path, people who are experienced in SAP, and want to share their knowledge with oth |
SaritaBasnet (1 member) | |
pdf to word converter |
Search in jobs (1 member) | |
Seasons Greetings! (2 members) | |
Dear members, It is THAT time of the year again! You know? Turkey, shepherd's pie, Christmas shopping, family holidays, Santa Claus? Check out our Seasons Greetings offer! |
Sendai - Recovery (12 members) | |
Sendai - Recovery group |
Serpentine Gallery (28 members) | |
A group for London's Serpentine Gallery with information on upcoming events and private viewings. Includes special projects for the Future Contemporaries, gallery Patrons, and stakeholders |
Sharks (1 member) | |
I think sharks are fascinating creatures. I will be sorry when they are all wiped out. |
Sharm El-Sheikh (1 member) | |
Sharm El-Sheikh hub |
Sharm El-Sheikh (12 members) | |
Hub Culture Climate Pavilion with Hedera. |
singularity AI (3 members) | |
a group for AI bots and entities |
Ski (0 members) | |
This group is about... ski! :-) and all that related to it. Share your trips, photos, videos, gear discussions etc... |
Sleep well (1 member) | |
General tips about healthy sleeping habits |
Social Design (27 members) | |
Advocates the professional application of design thinking and problem-solving techniques to socially, economically, spatially and environmentally fair and sustainable development. |
Social Dynamics International (4 members) | |
Social Dynamics International is organization aimed at creating and advancing a knowledge society. |
Social Media Think-Tank (2 members) | |
Social network for the elderly (1 member) | |
Social networks for the elderly |
Social Networking Platforms Collaborating (9 members) | |
A group for key decision makers of Social Networking platforms around the world to collaborate on the issues of monetization, content and engagement. |
Solar energy (6 members) | |
To develop solar energy using open money and collective intelligence. |
Solar Project (1 member) | |
We are building an electric power station on concentrated sun. Revenue will be used to buy Ven. Group discussion board is used to discuss different views concerning this project. |
Southampton (1 member) | |
Welcome to the Southampton Showcase, a place for innovation and inspiration. |
spaceport (1 member) | |
The Hub Culture Estate at the Athena Spaceport offers an environment for connections and social interactions among Hub Culture members around the world for Entropia Universe Virtual MMORPG. |
St. Barts (1 member) | |
St. Barts hub |
Stage Test (1 member) | |
Stage Test hub |
Stage Test hello (1 member) | |
Stage Test hello hub |
Stage Testing (1 member) | |
Stage Testing hub |
Staging (1 member) | |
Staging hub |
STANTON KASKAAD (2 members) | |
The man, a fashion label, a mystery and the confidante. |
Start a business (1 member) | |
Advice on starting a business |
Start your own business (1 member) | |
Best Small Business Ideas |
StartUp Britain (2 members) | |
StartUp Britain is a national campaign to encourage more people to start a business and support existing businesses to grow. This is a group to stay updated with news, discuss and collaboration. |
Startup Stories (1 member) | |
Insights from startup culture |
Steem Syndicate (1 member) | |
A group syndicate for Steem |
Stellar Lumen Syndicate (5 members) | |
A collaboration Hub for Stellar Lumen Syndicate holders |
Subtropical Cities (1 member) | |
Celebrating urban subtropicality and exchanging knowledge and resources among us to address the challenges and impacts of climate change. |
Sumit bhai (1 member) | |
SUPERNOVA™ (1 member) | |
Movies about Science & Universe. NOT commercial. |
Survivor Corps Young Patrons (11 members) | |
A working group for Young Patrons of Survivor Corps, helping others rise above and give back. |
Sustainability 2020 | |
A collaboration group around the Sustainability 2020 initiative. |
Sustainable Community of Florida (1 member) | |
It costs to make sure you are interested and able to be committed to actually working on any sustainable projects. I want to find people in Florida. Media, networking, training, mentoring, ideas and |
Sustainable Intelligence (2 members) | |
Discussion, resources, tools and technologies to develop Sustainable Intelligence, enabling the planetary shift in harmony with nature's own practices and natural laws. |
Sydney (1 member) | |
Sydney group |
Synechron (7 members) | |
A collaboration point for Synechron |
Take care of your health (1 member) | |
Your first choice should always be a professional. Articles you find in this hub are only informative and shared as experiences. |
TEST (1 member) | |
TEST hub |
test (1 member) | |
test |
Test group (1 member) | |
ueuieuieui |
Test Property (1 member) | |
Test Property hub |
Test Property 495 (1 member) | |
Test Property 495 hub |
Test Property 56 (1 member) | |
Test Property 56 hub |
Test Property 67 (1 member) | |
Test Property 67 hub |
Test Property5 (1 member) | |
Test Property5 hub |
test1 (0 members) | |
test1 hub |
testAppy-08 (1 member) | |
testAppy-08 hub |
testing hub for me (1 member) | |
any |
testing pavilion (1 member) | |
testing pavilion hub |
testing with map (0 members) | |
testing with map hub |
testing without map (0 members) | |
testing without map hub |
The Children's House of Washington (1 member) | |
The Children's House of Washington hub |
The Climate Complex (5 members) | |
A collaboration group for stakeholders in the Climate Complex movie. |
The Delos Group (8 members) | |
The Emerald Exhibition Center (1 member) | |
The Emerald Exhibition Center hub |
The Foundation (2 members) | |
A collaboration group for The Foundation community. |
The Glamour Bar (4 members) | |
With stunning views as a backdrop and gorgeous lounging inside, the sexy Glamour Bar on the Shanghai Bund -- one of the hottest bars in the world, according to Conde Nast Traveller, and voted Shanghai |
the key to success (1 member) | |
Look at the two business methods ​​tradition and can create a groundbreaking new business model |
The LCHF Diet (Low Carb High Fat) (1 member) | |
This group is about everything dealing with low carb diet. |
The Optimists (1 member) | |
Dedicated to the ones who see the full side of the glass. Yes, Optimism is a life philosophy, it's an atitude that can make you be all you want to be. Please invite only optimists! |
The Realtime Project Community (12 members) | |
Open source thinking about the near term future of communications technology. Digital info fused with physical space = ? How will a continuously connected world re-imagine itself? |
The Tech Buzz (3 members) | |
This is for fans of the show and a place for geeks a like to converse about the show and the latest and greatest in technology! |
The Tycoons of EQHS 1991 (1 member) | |
Exclusive Group of Elpidio Quirino Highschool Batch of 1991 |
The Ven Prize (24 members) | |
The Ven Prize is an award toward sustainable economic systems in Hub Culture. It was launched in September 2009 with V100,000, is growing. |
The Well-Being Commons (1 member) | |
In the well-being commons, we share advice about how to optimize happiness and live better lives in urban settings. Sharing tips, experiences, and values about well-being is the central aim. |
The Women's Conference (2 members) | |
A working group for The Women's Conference for those tied to the project. |
Therapy Camp (3 members) | |
A collaborative effort for social support of vulnerable communities. |
Thirst (1 member) | |
A collaboration group for the Thirst project |
Tino (1 member) | |
Top Ten Tourist Tat Icons (5 members) | |
I'm scouring the world for a list of the most iconic tourist tat that defines travel and is universally recognizable to a particular place/country/city.. This hall of fame, built by Hubsters all over the world, will be the definitive expression of world travel, and that demonstrates how we see ourselves and our neighbors. Send me your suggestions... ILNY T-Shirt? Eiffel Tower statuette? Rio's Christ the Redeemer? Tell me more... |
Training for Emgineers (1 member) | |
we look for best ways to adapt and training by professional training Institutes. |
Translation Services (2 members) | |
A group for people looking for translation services and translators/ language users to offer services. Potential clients and service providers can find each other here. |
Transportation & Automotive Network (1 member) | |
Connecting transportation industry professionals with decision makers and knowledge brokers. |
travel (1 member) | |
Travel |
Travel Social Media (1 member) | |
Discussions, debates, and networking on social media within the travel industry. |
Travel Technology (2 members) | |
An effort to better-understand technology used by various travel businesses such as Travel Agencies, Tour Operators, Public Transports, Travel Portals, Hotels, Restaurants, Excursions and so on... |
Travel to Iceland, Iceland Winter Tours (1 member) | |
Iceland, Travel to Iceland, Iceland Winter Tours, Iceland Travel Packages for more information visit: |
Trilogy Coffee Shop (1 member) | |
Trilogy Coffee Shop hub |
TURKISH RIVIERA (2 members) | |
rea: 20.723 km2 Population: 2.043.482 (2011) 1.450.209 of this population live in the centre of the province and counties, while 719.410 of this population live in the villages. Geographical |
ULTRA (6 members) | |
A collaboration space for the ULTRA Blockchain project. |
United Diversity (1 member) | |
We are a collective of people who all agree to pool 1% of our income into our Resilient Communities Fund for community owned and led land and infrastructure projects. |
UNITY (1 member) | |
Collaboration for Unity |
University of Hawai'i (1 member) | |
University of Hawai'i hub |
University of Hawaii at Manoa (1 member) | |
University of Hawaii at Manoa hub |
US Virgin Islands (1 member) | |
US Virgin Islands hub |
Usability, User Experience and Service Design (5 members) | |
This group is supposed to gather all persons working on Usability, User Experience, Interaction and Service Design. |
Vail Montessori (1 member) | |
Vail Montessori hub |
ValidSoft (4 members) | |
This group is about how to best secure banking transactions, payments and electronic/mobile commerce. This is mainly targeted at Financial Services, mobile operators and technology vendors |
Ven Co-op (4 members) | |
A Ven Co-op for developing social innovation on a global scale. |
Ven Instruments | |
A steering committee group for early adopters in the area of Ven financial instruments. |
Ven Investing (1 member) | |
Ven Investing is for all who want to connect to like minded individuals interested in investing, networking, trading and sharing information on the cryptocurrency "Ven" |
Ven Money : Digital Cryptocurrency | |
This hub offers community resources surrounding Ven, the world's oldest and most stable digital currency asset. |
VEN TRADERS (1 member) | |
Starting Physical and virtual trading floor for VEN currency |
Vencorps (6 members) | |
A service oriented programme designed to build and share experience to help eliminate student debt by offering Ven paid programmes. |
Venezuela online (News, updates, potential business, for locals and international investors) (1 member) | |
Everything is going smoothly according to the government, but with the current government censorship is it really?, This hub is designed to give you the inside knowledge of what is really going on. |
VENgame (7 members) | |
... lifes a game! |
Venice (2 members) | |
Venice group |
Venice - The Garden of Tomorrow (129 members) | |
All the information regarding Hub Culture's Venice Carnivale Fundraiser benefiting Cool Earth. Join us for a magical weekend of unexpected delights, all to raise money for a worthwhile cause. |
VenOnlyHedgeFund (2 members) | |
Welcome to the only hedge fund on the planet (that uses Ven)! You need to know what a hedge fund is, so go look it up. Your dividends are re-invested in carbon credits. Be green. Credits offset use. |
Veronica Moncho Lobo (21 members) | |
Fashion by Veronica Moncho Lobo |
Vietnam (1 member) | |
Vietnam hub |
Virgin (4 members) | |
Virtual Currency Positioning (8 members) | |
A private shared working space for discussions around virtual currency at large, with regard to the global financial system and regulation at large. |
Virtual Currency SRO (1 member) | |
A private working group for a virtual currency SRO |
Vist Ireland and make money (1 member) | |
Hi, is anybody thinking of setting up business in Ireland in the next 18 months? If so, I can help you for no fee as I am looking to do so myself. Please contact me directly via this address if you |
Voice of the Nile 2010 (4 members) | |
I'm helping Josh Levine and George Shaw with an expedition to travel the Blue and White Nile simultaneously in 2010. This pioneering project will cross 10 countries and learn about climate change |
Votto | |
A group for the Votto award game featuring winners, rankings and more. |
Washington, D.C. (1 member) | |
WeAreYourStudio (16 members) | |
A London based design agency creating beautiful and effective environments and brand identities for retail, restaurant, bar, pop-up and live event space. |
Web Design Tips (1 member) | |
All Things Web Design! |
Webdesign (1 member) | |
for Homepages / Onlien Shops / Communitys & Co Design Build / Development / Templates / Logos / Graphics and more... |
West End Culture Quarter (1 member) | |
An arts and creative hub for London's west end. |
Whistler (12 members) | |
Whistler group |
Whitsundays & the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (1 member) | |
The Whitsundays, Located is on the central east coast of Australia. If you wish to visit Australia the Whitsundays is the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef and surrounding exclusive 74 islands. more.. |
Why are herbal blends useful than chemical drugs (1 member) | |
Herbal blends are more useful rather than spice drugs or chemical drugs, one of the nutrient supplement is herbal blends and contain all herbal ingredients. |
Windover Transition (1 member) | |
A working group for the Windover Transistion and the Boismont Accords |
Windows Azure Users (1 member) | |
Discussions of uses for Microsoft's Azure cloud services. |
Wine Therapy (37 members) | |
Ongoing wine tasting night @ Hub Culture Pavilion London hosted by in house sommelier Nathan Nolan. |
Women Health (1 member) | |
About women health issues doubts quires, pregnancy related quires, abortion procedures, women's abortion choices, medical abortion or abortion pills. |
Women Power (11 members) | |
Creating an empowering on-line experience for women where they can feel safe in interacting and networking. |
Worksnug (5 members) | |
A group for Worksnug Ambassadors around the world |
World Cup 2010 @ Hub Pavilion London (6 members) | |
For all information regarding events in the London Pavilion for this summers FIFA World Cup. |
World Land Trust (4 members) | |
A group for the World Land Trust supporters, fans and followers |
Writer's Hub (1 member) | |
Writer's Hub is the center for creative inspiration, peer coaching and sheer enjoyment of each individual's craft of writing. Whether it be novels or poetry, there is something here for ever |
xpansiv- payment platform (2 members) | |
Yoga (18 members) | |
Yoga friends all over the world unity. Let us share bliss and the ways to get there. Please tell us about your favourite yoga teacher, studio, retreat.... |
Your Studio (1 member) | |
The latest trend discoveries, insights and news from creative agency Your Studio. Take a look! |
Zanzibar (1 member) | |
Zanzibar hub |