Welcome to the Gala Details project notes
On October 24, 2009 a series of galas will be held in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and London to raise much needed funds for Survivor Corps. Â Check below for details on each individual city.
8pm Cocktail Reception: "Virtual Chic"
Hub Culture Pavilion
49 Carnaby Street, First Floor
London, W1F9PY
United Kingdom
Los Angeles
6pm Black Tie: "A Masked Ball"
Hosted by Tracy Allen
18 Presidio Terrace
San Francisco, CA
New York
8pm Black Tie: "A Masked Ball"
Hosted by Reginald Van Lee
721 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY
San Francisco
6pm Black Tie: "A Masked Ball"
Hosted by Pamela Joyner and Fred Guiffreda
18 Presidio Terrace
San Francisco, CA