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Individual Carbon Offset 75.00 Ven

This item is in stock and available in Scottsdale.

What does this mean?

This carbon offset offer is a one tonne reduction of carbon dioxide emissions (or other greenhouse gases) to compensate for an emission made elsewhere. Use of offsets can help individuals to offset their own emissions, whether for travel, industry or other activities. There are two types of carbon offests, the compliance market and the voluntary market. The compliance market is related to the Kyoto Protocol and includes fixed market purchases related to the Kyoto Protocol. The voluntary market, which is much smaller, allows individuals, companies and governments to purchase carbon offsets to mitigate their own emissions. The price of carbon offsets vary depending on the quality, duration, scale and scope of a particular project.

Hub Culture carbon offset purchases are aggregated by individual purchases to pool resources for offset purchases at a slightly larger scale. Hub Culture offset purchases are linked specifically to REDD forest protection with Wildlife Works and to the Nike Mata no Peito project, which is actively protecting Amazon rain forest through the development of carbon protection purchases to save this important natural resource.

Pricing is on a 'per ton' basis. For guidance on calculating your own offsets, here are some approximate calculations on carbon tonnage to help you decide how much carbon to offset with this great carbon calculator from the Nature Conservancy.


Driving a midsize car 10 miles a day: 2.7 tonnes per year
One long haul flight: 2.2 tonnes per flight
One short haul flight: .4 tonnes per flight
A one bedroom New York City apartment with some efficiency upgrades: 15 tonnes per year
Eating meat as part of your normal diet: 5.8 tonnes per year
Eating meat and also eating organic as part of your normal diet: 4.1 tonnes per year
Eating vegeteraian and organic as part of your normla diet: .6 tonnes per year
Waste production, not recycling or composting very much: 1.2 tonnes per year