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Knowledge Brokerage: Strategic Consulting Units 5,000.00 Ven

This item is in stock and available in Scottsdale.

What does this mean?

Hub Culture Strategy Services offer consulting services divided into Units, where your client project can be assigned a number of chargeable Units. 1 Unit is 5000 Ven (about $500) and projects are broken into an estimated number of units based on a combination of time spent and knowledge resources leveraged for the project consultation. If the project grows, the client or you then have the ability to add more units to the engagement process.

The Units structure releases clients from a hard stop in terms of time spent on a project and focuses the consultation more on achieving the outcome desired, with time and skill as factors that influence the project. Typically, a unit is based similar to a day rate, but with more flexibility depending on time and skill characteristics of the knowledge broker or the consultant.  For instance, a project could cost 2 units and require high skill but a shorter time of a couple hours, or 2 units and require more mundane skills spread over a couple of days. Either way, it provides a common metric for the work project linked to time and skill.