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There are 24 items in the Causes category at the Brussels store
Carbon Offsets 25,000t: Nike Mata no Peito
1,013,354.48 Ven- Ven Value
Carbon Offsets 250,000t: Nike Mata no Peito
7,600,158.61 Ven- Ven Value
Carbon Offsets 5,000t: Nike Mata no Peito
253,338.62 Ven- Ven Value
Carbon Offsets 500,000t: Nike Mata no Peito
5,066,772.41 Ven- Ven Value
Donation: Arzu Hope by Design / Supporting Afghan Women Weavers
810.68 Ven- Ven Value
Donation: Hub Culture Fashion Scholarship
626.89 Ven- Ven Value
Donation: NooRepublic @ Majsan Restoration Fund, Croatia
2,507.56 Ven- Ven Value
Donation: Oceana Policy Work
500.00 Ven- Ven Value
Donation: Room To Read
Donation: Serpentine Galleries Individual Ven Giving Programme
1,000.00 Ven- Ven Value
Donation: Studer Trust Myanmar / 1 SCHOOL HOUSE
11,000.00 Ven- Ven Value
Donation: Studer Trust Myanmar / 1 SCHOOL TEACHER FOR 1 YEAR
3,600.00 Ven- Ven Value
Donation: Studer Trust, Myanmar / SCHOOLBOOK STATIONERY
300.00 Ven- Ven Value
Donation: Survivor Corps
760.02 Ven- Ven Value
Donation: TUSK
Donation: WWF - World Wildlife Fund
Honey, Buy a Bee
10.00 Ven- Ven Value
Individual Carbon Offset
75.00 Ven- Ven Value
Ven Energy Deal Fund
105,747.55 Ven- Ven Value
Ven Forests Deal Fund
Ven Mobility Deal Fund
Ven Oceans Deal Fund
Ven Prize Application
Ven Prize Shares
2,026.71 Ven- Ven Value
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