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'Fresh Water' by Nicole Cohen 40,533.80 Ven

This item is in stock and available in London.

What does this mean?
Edition of 5, 2 APs (Artist Proofs)
Custom designed box signed, 2 drives
(Can work on any monitor/ projection, plays on a seamless loop)

FRESH WATER, 2016 is video showing a view looking up from the bottom of a lake to the surface. You see the bottom of a fishing boat, lights beams, sea life, and swimmers. Under the surface of the water, natural minerals and animals, and plant life endlessly adapt and shift to the ever-changing conditions in their natural habitats. 
In essence, the lake itself takes on its own life. Through the use of shifting colors both in the waters and the minerals and elements Fresh Water explores the limnology, the science of inland waters, by incorporating the physical, chemical, biological, and geological attributes of a large body of water. 
These aquatic systems and new landscape perspectives show the potential of possibilities of interactions that come from the movement of this continuously shifting landscape.
FRESH WATER Short Video Excerpt here: https://vimeo.com/375495203
To view additional works: www.nicolecohen.org
For more information, please email: [email protected] or Heidi Lee-Komaromi, HLK Art Advisory