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Last week when people used social media to mobilize - by the tens of millions - to get rid of a bill in Congress - was an historic event. Congress turned 180 degrees on an issue. A bill that was unanimously voted out of committee was completely abandoned by its founders within a day. We have never before seen a political issue die as fast as that issue. But the question is - can social media be positive creative force as much as it is a destructive force?
VC Accel Partners' Partner Theresia Gouw Ranzetta sees the great promise of the millennial generation is their commitment to entrepreneurship.
Eugene Kaspersky tells Hub Culture's Executive Editor Edie Lush that while we understand the threat cyber criminals present to our personal data - stealing our identity and bank account information - we don't yet understand the threat we face from cyber terrorism, namely the ability of malware to take down a country's military or nuclear facility. Digital data & computer systems now drive the world's economy. Computers are everywhere - from controlling our water supply to our elevators. While governments are aware of the dangers of cyber crime & are working together to help prevent cyber criminals, the threat from cyber weapons are not yet widely understood. Part of Iran's nuclear facility was physically destroyed by a malware program last year, possibly by another government. Kaspersky's message is that we need to take this threat more seriously. He says that cyber terrorism is a boomerang - once you attack someone with a cyber weapon, they understand how to attack you back. We need global agreements against cyber weapons, just as we do on nuclear weapons.
Daniel Bell tells Executive Editor Edie Lush that many people are attached to their cities more than their countries. Think of New Yorkers, who identify more with New York than with the US with t-shirts that say "I heart NY". He also says that the rise of 'civicism' - Bell and his co-author's invented term for the rise of urban pride - can be seen from the US to Europe to China. Bell also points out that Confucianism is experiencing a revival in China amongst some political reformers. Confucianism teaches that there is a duty to protect people who are voiceless, those future generations who will be affected by policies (like Climate Change) for example, and that liberal democracy lacks these characteristics.
Dean Santos discusses her concerns for rapid urban development and the future of urbanism. She's keenly concerned about the fact that we are building 'mega-cities' in India & China and that the pace of development is speeding up while environmental pressures are increasing. Meanwhile, people are only productive when they have a decent place to live, and we're not always building an environment that promotes this. In China, the high rise slab/apartment & tower sprawl that exists - single use (living only rather than mixed use - living/shopping/working) is incredibly destructive to the environment and unpleasant to live in. We need to be thinking now about the legacy we're leaving for the future.
Senior Visiting Fellow at CIGI, Simon Zadek speaks with Edie Lush at Hub Culture Pavilion in Davos. Zadek talks about corporate governance and transformative capitalism and asks whether the current fixes being proposed are enough.
Accel Partner's Joe Schoendorf speaks to Hub Culture Executive Editor Edie Lush in Davos at WEF 2012 about the Euro, Venture Capital in 2012 and social media's role in revolutions and democracy.
In time for Rio+20, Hub Culture and the worlds most innovating and exciting companies are embarking on a project to create the future we want -- a low carbon, sustainable and intelligent approach to urban living.
Hub Culture and Nissan's ongoing collaboration for leaders attending COP17 provides places for networking and mobility solutions to spark new urban social dynamics.
Sandrine Dixon-Decléve talks with Hub Culture's Stan Stalnaker at Durban COP17, the World Climate Summit
Stan Stalnaker talks about Hub Culture's digital currency Ven in a panel at Durban COP17, the World Climate Summit
Clips from President Jacob Zuma's speech at the opening of the World Climate Summit.
Nicolette and Epiphanea talk with Hub Culture about their project Seriti.
John Kornerup Bang talks with Hub Culture at Durban COP17 about Maersk's projects.
Abyd Karmali talks with Hub Culture at COP17
Charlie Roberts of Greenstar talks about rating the greenest companies.
Frederic Hauge talks with Hub Culture about means for negative carbon.
James Dailey & April Allderdice of Microenergy Credits talks with Hub Culture about microfinance and energy credits.
Jigar Shah talks with Hub Culture about the Carbon War Room and what they're doing at WCS and COP17.
Russel Mills of Dow talks with Hub Culture about climate change.
Polly Higgins talks with Hub Culture about a new controversial law called ecocide.