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Sendai - Recovery.

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Hubs are an easy way to share ideas, files and photos with colleagues, friends or like-minded people.

Discussions: Start a new topic to share knowledge, ideas and feedback with other members of this hub.

Projects: Upload any file for hub members to download, comment on and revise.

This is Hub is designed as a global recovery and relief coordination point and will geolocate via locations determined by Architecture for Humanity's rebuilding and emergency provision operations.

We are building a bank of donated items in the Sendai Store to allow relief workers and agencies to request things they need, which can be done in the wiki on needs. Suppliers can offer materials/services/items in the Offers wiki, which can be later processed into the store for easier access.

Use this Hub for coordinating discussions, wiki information, barter exchange with Ven, knowledge requests and more. Hub will make Ven liquidity available as needed. For information contact the Valets.

This is a non-profit Hub, and the interface is at http://hub.vg/Sendai

Welcome to Sendai - Recovery on Hub Culture

This is your virtual collaboration hub where there's so much to do! Join the discussions or start a new one!. View and create events. Kick start projects with fellow hub members. Propose and upvote governance structures. Catch up on latest news and post new articles.

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Hub Culture Launches Coordination Point for Japan Relief Efforts: http://hub.vg/Sendai

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Hub Culture has launched a new disaster coordination point for relief efforts focused on Japan. http://hub.vg/sendai and inside Facebook, http://hub.vg/FBSendai, are designed for at scale collaboration among those working on assisting Japan. Relief organizations, companies looking to make physical contributions, and logistics coordinators can all benefit from connecting to organize information, needs and offers.